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Autumn Term

Information for parents and families

Knowledge Organisers to support with learning at home

Week ending 20th December

This week has concluded our first term as Rashford class. The children have worked incredibly hard all term and we are so proud of all they have achieved so far this year. 

We finished the term by learning and performing poems in English. The Year 1's learnt wintry poems and performed them to each other while the Year 2's learnt 'The Night Before Christmas'. All the children thought about actions, intonation and volume of their voices as they performed. They worked as groups to perform brilliantly. 

In Maths, the Year 1's finished their unit about shape by sorting shapes and creating repeating patterns. The Year 2's spent the week using the skills they have learnt this term by solving lots of word problems. 

The children also spent the week creating collaged Christmas trees in art and in Science they learnt about food chains. 

The children finished their week with a fun-filled and well earnt reward day. They enjoyed having a silent disco, a game of pass the parcel and lots of toys out to play with. 

Week ending 13th December

This week has been incredibly busy for the children! They performed ‘Busy, Busy Bethlehem’ to the rest of the school and then the parents. The children were brilliant and I am so proud of how hard they worked and how confidently they performed. 
This week, the children have imagined their own settings for a story and described them superbly using descriptive adjectives. They have also continued their shape unit in Maths with some problem solving and sorting. 
In Geography, the children plotted features they had found on the school ground in an aerial photograph and in Science they learnt about a woodland habitat. 
The children finished the week with some fun Christmas hockey games in PE.
Next week, we are looking forward to welcoming you in school on Tuesday at 9am for our reading cafe. 

Week ending 6th December

This week, the children have been perfecting their performance of Busy, Busy Bethlehem. They are really looking forward to performing it to you on Tuesday and Wednesday.
In English, the children have been using adjectives to describe a setting and using repeated verbs for effect in their writing. Year 2 have used this to practise the past tense of verbs too which they demonstrated brilliantly.
In Maths, the children have learnt about shape. Year 1's have named and described 2D shapes superbly while Year 2 have learnt about symmetry.
The children have also begun to use symbols to represent sounds in music and use the language of position and direction to describe where things are on maps in Geography.

Week ending 29th November

We had a very busy week preparing for decorating the classroom ready for Christmas. The children have made some fabulous decorations. 
This week, we also started our new book in English ‘The Lonely Beast’ by Chris Judge. The children retold the story incredibly well and have made some wonderful story maps using superb vocabulary, including isolated, intimidated and solitary. 
In Maths, the Year 1’s used number lines to help with subtraction. They started by using large number lines outside to practise jumping backwards one number at a time. The Year 2’s began their shape unit, naming and describing 2D shapes with fabulous knowledge. 
In music, we continued learning songs from different parts of the country and performing them for each other. 
We have also been busy practising our performance of ‘Busy Busy Bethlehem’ and are really looking forward to performing this for you all.
On Tuesday we were spoilt by the PTA, who had organised a pantomime for us to watch in school. On Thursday, we were treated to a special rock steady workshop which was very fun!

Week ending 15th November

We’ve had a wonderful week in Rashford class. The children have written some absolutely incredible instructions telling each other how to sneak a monster into their houses. They had to use imperative verbs to ensure their instructions were clear and work out how to get their monster past their grown ups and pets. They have been given the challenge of testing their instructions to see if they work, so hopefully there will be monsters in all your houses!
In maths, the children have been subtracting. Year 1 have been using resources and writing their number sentences while Year 2 have been using the skill of exchanging to subtract across a ten.
In Geography, we learnt about features and conducted some field work around school to locate features. The children demonstrated their knowledge superbly and found many features. We also began our art topic by practising our colour mixing skills. 

Week ending 8th November

A fabulous first week back in KS1. It has been wonderful hearing about all of the adventures the children had over half term and the fun they had for Halloween. This week the children have thoroughly enjoyed our new book in English, 'How to sneak your monster into school' and unfortunately they have been far too good at distracting us with the techniques as some monsters have made it into class! In Maths, we have continued our learning  about addition and subtraction. Don't forgot at 9am next Wednesday (13th) we have Sums and Buns at school. Please go to the office to sign in after dropping your child off. We will be going through the methods we use in the classroom for addition and subtraction. Have a fabulous weekend!

Week ending 18th October

The children's hard work has impressed me so much this week.
In English, we worked together to write our own version of 'The Green Ship'. The Year 1's wrote 'The Gold Bus' and the Year 2's wrote 'The Green Plane'. By the end of the week, the children had worked collaboratively to write super stories that included adjectives, conjunctions and a lot of adventure!
In Maths, the Year 1's have used part-whole models to record number sentences and the Year 2's have continued with their addition units, adding numbers up to 100. They have been incredibly persistent whilst practising their new skills.
This week, the children have also learnt about the importance of recycling and using eco-friendly materials in Science, The Five K's of Sikhism in RE and the journey that Matthew Henson made to be the first person to reach the North Pole.
In PSHE, the children learnt about resilience and practised what this was like by building free-standing bridges to hold a car using just paper and tape.

Week ending 11th October

We have had another busy week and, as always, the children have been resilient and determined with their learning.
In English this week, we read ‘The Green Ship’ by Quentin Blake. We discussed the vocabulary in the story to ensure the children had a good understanding of it and the children made story maps with the vocabulary included. The work they created was outstanding and demonstrated superb recall and understanding of the story.
In Maths, the Year 1’s have learnt about numberlines and have created their own to show their knowledge of number order. The Year 2’s have been learning about related facts, finding a plethora of number sentences from the same set of numbers.
The children have also made bridges to test for strength in Science, recording their data and then presenting it in a block graph. 
This week, we have also learnt about a significant individual to celebrate Black History Month. We learnt about Floella Benjamin.

Week ending 4th October

The children have all worked brilliantly this week and have demonstrated a great attitude to their learning. 
In English, the children made up their own fairytales inspired by ‘Stop! That’s not my story’. They have included dragons, sea monsters, wizards, knights and lots of adventure with themselves as the hero. Their ideas have been fabulous and I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to them. 
In Maths, the children have been comparing numbers using the < = > symbols. Year 2 have also ordered numbers and practised counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. These are really useful skills so please encourage them to keep practising this at home.
The children were fabulous investigators in Science as they testing materials and measured how far they could stretch. They conducted their experiment in teams and worked superbly in their teams to gather data and reach a conclusion. 
The children have also learnt about Christopher Columbus this week and continued practising their word processing skills.

Week ending 27th September

We have been so proud of all of the children in KS1 this week. They have continued to get stuck into their learning and have shown amazing perseverance skills across the curriculum. 
In English, they have loved our new story 'Stop! That's not my story!' They have been amazing at retelling the story using actions. Their enthusiasm is incredible! They then used their brilliant storytelling to recreate the book in a story map.
In Maths, we have continued to look at place value and counting in 1s and 10s. They have all improved so much in their Maths in such a short space of time.
Across the rest of the curriculum, they have been broadening their knowledge of materials in Science and understanding of explorers in History. They really enjoyed investigating if materials could bend, stretch, twist and squash.
On Thursday, they all got stuck into our Groundforce morning. They showed amazing strength and determination weeding our sensory garden.
We are looking forward to another brilliant week next week!

Week ending 20th September

Another busy week completed in Rashford class. 
This week the children wrote about how super duper they were! They started by drawing themselves and all the things they were good at or liked doing and then completed some brilliant writing all about themselves. They have also had a go at editing this week, a hard skill to make their writing even better.
In maths, the Year 1’s practised counting on from any number and the Year 2’s  began to flexibly partition numbers up to 100.
This week, the children have also designed robots with a variety of input buttons, explored materials in science and why their properties make them good for certain uses, thought carefully about what an explorer is and practised turning mistakes into something amazing in PSHE.

Week ending 13th September

What a fabulous first full week in Rashford class we have had! The children have all begun their maths, English, science and topic lessons this week and have begun to get used to all of them.
In Maths, the year 1’s have sorted and counted accurately while the year 2’s have looked at place value to 100, securing their knowledge of counting in 10s.
In English, we have read the book ‘Super Duper You’ and have retold the story using our own story maps. 
The children have also begun their topic of materials in Science by sorting them and naming them, made timelines in History, used the computers to create pictures and discussed what belonging to a family means. 
On Friday, they had PE and were fabulously enthusiastic!

Week ending 6th September

We’ve had a great first few days back. The children have been fabulous, although I think they are all rather exhausted today.
This week we have spent time getting to know each other and learning what our new class will be like. We have been learning about the significance of the England and Manchester United footballer Marcus Rashford. The children now understand how inspirational he has been in recent years supporting families from a similar background to his. His determination and perseverance means that children do not go hungry during the school holidays.
This morning the children had lots of PE, they were fantastic and I was so impressed with their enthusiasm as well as how quickly they got changed!
