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Spring Term

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Knowledge Organisers to support with learning at home

Week wending 7th February

This week has been busy as always! We finished it with the colour day to raise money for our school trip. Thank you for all your support. The raffle has raised a superb amount of money to bring the cost down a little
In English this week, we have continued with our story of Traction Man. The children have looked at setting and character descriptions, using adjectives and some wonderful imaginations to create their own. They have really focused on including thorough details.
In Maths, the Year 1's have used number lines to add numbers together. The Year 2's have continued with multiplication, using number lines to help them.
This week in History, the children decided whether they would have preferred to go to school in the 1900's or now and described why they thought that, using all the information they have learnt throughout this History topic. In Computing, the children recorded their own jokes on the computers and animated them. They were fabulous at this and really enjoyed using the skills they have learnt on ScatchJr. to create these. The children have learnt about the Christian Baptism celebration of new life in RE this week. To share experiences of new life they made butterflies out of recycled paper. 

Week ending 31st January

The children have been superstars this week, as always!
We started our new book in English 'Traction Man is Here'. It is a superb story and the children have really enjoyed reading it. The Year 1's have retold it using full sentences and have begun to imagine what the characters are saying, exploring speech bubbles. The Year 2's have been learning about apostrophe's and adverbs.
In Maths, the Year 1's have been comparing numbers and the Year 2's have begun their unit of multiplication by making groups and arrays.
The children really impressed me in Science this week as they made posters to explain what different animals need to survive. These were both colourful and informative.
In Computing, the children learnt how to record their own voices using the microphone in algorithms on ScratchJr.

Week ending 24th January

Yet another great week of learning in KS1. The children have written some fabulous letters asking Mrs d'Arcy to help us improve our playground. Some ideas were very imaginative, including trampolines, ball pits and even a cinema. Lets hope she sees how polite they all were and helps us make it better. 
In Maths, the Year 1's used number lines to solve problems and the Year 2's found change from their shopping. 
The children have also made animations on the computers, investigated human growth in Science and compared how schools have changed over the last 100 years. 

Week ending 17th January

The children really got stuck into their learning this week and have produced some incredible work in all areas.
In English, the Year 1's practised their capital letters, full stops and finger spaces to make sure they remember to use them in all their sentences. The Year 2's wrote statements, questions and exclamations, practised their expanded noun phrases with fabulous adjectives and then learnt about subordinating and coordinating conjunctions.
In Maths, the Years 1's learnt about the importance of ten in the numbers between 11 and 19 while the Year 2's have been busy making a variety of amounts with money.
The children demonstrated incredible knowledge in Science as they learnt about life cycles. In History, the children learnt what school would have been like in the 1900's using photographs as sources of information.
There was much excitement this week as the long awaited unit of ScratchJr began in Computing. The children explored what the programme could do by tinkering with the character, background and blocks. They were very brave to test them out and could describe what each block did brilliantly by the end.
In PE, the children have continued to learn their dance of 'The Lion King'.

Week ending 10th January 

We have had a wonderful first week of the Spring term, even though the weather was very much still in Winter! The children have loved sharing what they have been up to over the holidays.
We have begun to learn about our new topics for the half term. In Science, our topic is animals including humans. The children have grouped animals brilliantly and learnt about the human life cycle. in History this term, the children will be finding out about what school was like in the past. They looked carefully at pictures this week and ordered them on a timeline.
In English, we read 'Dear Greenpeace' to introduce our unit around letter writing. The children then created fabulous story maps to show the interaction between Emily and Greenpeace.
The children spent the week recapping their maths learning from last term and I was incredibly impressed with everything they had remembered.
Finally, we visited the new library area and enjoyed looking at the books with some friends.
