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Autumn Term

Autumn Term 2023

Information for parents and families

Week Ending 15th December


What a busy week we have had!  I'm sure you will all agree that all their hard work and effort has paid off and they put on a wonderful show for their performance. 


They have been completed lots of tricky maths challenges related to doubling and halving and have written some wonderful Winter poems with some rhyming couplets. 


We are looking forward to a fun filled few days next week with reward day being on Tuesday. 

Week Ending 8th December


The children have had a very busy week again with lots of rehearsals on the stage in the hall. They have finished their instruction writing and produced some amazing writing including imperative verbs, conjunctions and adverbs. We have continued with our shape topic in Maths but we have moved onto 3D shapes. They have been counting faces, edges and vertices and solving reasoning problems about shape. 


On Friday afternoon, the children took part in a Santa Dash and really enjoyed being active in their festive hats.


A reminder that next week the children will be performing on Thursday morning and Friday afternoon. If you would like to come and watch, you can book in at the front office. 

Week Ending 1st December


The children have worked hard this week across all subjects. They have been doing lots of work on conjunctions and punctuation leading up to our instruction writing next week. We have started our new topic on shape and they have loved going on a shape hunt, identifying how many sides and counting the number of vertices. 


This morning, the children have wished the Christmas lights on and they have hung their decorations on the tree in the main hall.

Week Ending 24th November


The children have had assessment week this week and they should all be incredibly proud with how well they have done.

On Friday, they designed, taste tested and used lots of different skills such as chopping and grating to create a healthy wrap.


Week Ending 17th November


I am very proud of Ruby Class this week! They have been working incredibly hard in Maths this week and have continued with subtraction. They are becoming more confident with crossing a ten and exchanging. In English, they have completed their stories and have produced some wonderful independent writing that showcases how much they have progressed this year already. 

Ontop of all of this, they have been practising for our Winter Production and have enjoyed showing me that they now know the song without looking at the lyrics. 

As I'm sure you have seen, most of them have now finished their pouches in DT and are very proud of their finished working products. 

Week Ending 10th November


A great week in Ruby Class! The children have been learning about the 5 different parts of a story and have identified different features of each read to write their own next week.

In Maths, they have been adding and subtracting across a ten and using their place value knowledge to exchange tens and ones.

They have cut out their templates ready for their pouches in DT and sewn on their design. They have persisted with this even when it got a little tricky.

Week Ending 3rd November


What a busy first week back! We have started our new book 'Grumpycorn' in English and the children are looking forward to reading it all next week. In Maths, they have been learning a new method for addition for and subtraction to support the exchange across a ten. 


We have started to learn our song and dance for the Winter Performance in December so I'm sure you will hear all about that over the coming weeks. On Friday afternoon, the children learned to sew a running stitch ready for our DT project. 

Week Ending 20th October


The end of this half term already! You should be very proud how well they have settled into Year 2. This week, they have been spotting patterns in their number bonds to 10 and 100 and using their place value knowledge to explain the patterns. In English, they have completed their stories based on the plot of Cinderella and have produced some wonderful independent writing. 


They have explored rules and routines in R.E and linked them to different religions. They have enjoyed creating their own symbolic item also. Finally, they have used all of their skills learned in art so far to produce some sketches of their friends portraying different emotions. 


Have a lovely half term break!



Week Ending 13th October


Ruby Class have been working very hard this week. In Maths, we have moved onto addition and subtraction and are using our knowledge of place value to help add tens and ones. They have been using a range of different methods to help them solve problems. Following on from last week, they have been innovating their own characters and settings in English ready to write their own story next week. 

This week, we have started our R.E topic on rules and routines and they have enjoyed learning about the Ten Commandments and have linked them to the rules that we have in school. 



Week Ending 6th October

Another great week in Ruby Class! The children have been finishing off their place value unit in maths and have done brilliantly in their end of unit assessment before moving onto addition and subtraction. We have started our new English unit on traditional tales and are going to be looking at an alternative version of Cinderella. This week, they have produced some wonderful art work and have been exploring the glockenspiels. They even began to create their own motif and enjoyed learning about the different notes and sounds they could create. 


Week Ending 29th September

We have had a very busy week in Ruby Class this week! The children have been comparing and ordering numbers up to 100 using their knowledge of place value to explain their answer. In English, they have completed their first independent write and have produced some wonderful diary entries using the skills they have been practicing over the past few weeks. Their musical vocabulary has impressed me this week and they are beginning to use it to describe and compare different pieces of music. Finally, they have been practicing their sketching skills and have been using different techniques to create texture in their drawings. I hope they have a restful weekend! 



Week Ending 22nd September


This week, the children have been working very hard in English. They have used conjunctions and expanded noun phrases to write character and setting descriptions. They have been learning different musical vocabulary such as dynamics, timbre and tempo and have been experimenting using their voices. They have particularly enjoyed art and experimenting with charcoal using different pressure and strokes to create a range of effects. 

Two children from Ruby class have been chosen to represent them for school council and will be supporting the rest of the school to make important decisions. 



Week Ending 15th September

The children have had a fantastic few days and have had a jam packed week of learning. In maths, they have been securing their knowledge of place value and partitioning 2 digit numbers into tens and ones. In English, they have been looking at expanded noun phrases and conjunctions and are beginning to use them in their writing. They have thoroughly enjoyed creating space soundscapes and making music with their bodies and voices. They even performed their musical pieces to the class. Finally, they were superstars when discussing friendships and what to do when a disagreement arises in our PSHE lesson on Friday.




