Week Ending: 8th March
All things castles this week. We have looked at the book called "The castle the king built". We looked at different jobs and roles within the castle. This week the children tried to make pizzas in the shape of a castle. We used peppers for the portcullis, ham for the arrow slits and cheeses for the brick work. The children took some time discussing, planning and making their own pizzas. Our favourite word this was week was: righteous.
Week Ending: 1st March
We have had a fantastic start the the half term. The children have come back, well rested and ready to learn. We are looking at the topic of Castles this term. We are starting by looking at the different parts of the castles, looking at different stories with castles in them and trying to create own own castles in a variety of different ways. This weeks Drawing Club focus was Rapunzel. Our favourite word this week has been: lingering.
Week Ending: 16th February
Happy Chinese New Year. We have been busy learning all about Chinese New Year this week. The children have been busy creating dragons, trying different Chinese foods, retelling the story of the great race. This week our Drawing Club text was "The Egg Box Dragon". The children enjoyed creating their own egg box/junk modelling dragons. Our favourite word this week has been: furnace.
Week Ending: 9th February
This weeks Drawing Club text has been 'Ting Ting Tales- Why elephant has a trunk'. The children spent time thinking about different animals and asking 'what if' questions. Including, what if giraffe had no neck? What if tortoise had no shell, what if crocodile had no teeth. They then went on to creating some of these new inspired creatures in a multitude of ways. We also looked at different places people live and tried to work out if it was somewhere hot or somewhere cold. Our favourite words this week have been: frowsty and vivacious.
Week Ending: 2nd February
This week in Reception Class we flew around the world, looking at different types of homes. We stopped in Africa and created some Ndebele inspired houses. Popped across to Cambodia and discovered houses on stilts, then finally looking at houseboats in St Neots Marina. The children have been trying to recreate different types of homes and houses from around the world, as well as creating new, futuristic houses. Our favourite word this week has been: befuddled.
Week Ending: 26th January
Throughout the week the children have been busy exploring different materials. They have been making houses for the three little pigs and testing different materials to find out which would be best and waterproof for a roof. The children have explored the text "The true story of the three little pigs" by Jon Scieszka in Drawing club this week. They have created Granny wolf and designed her a birthday cake and party. Our favourite word this week has been: indecorous.
Week Ending: 19th January
This week has been all about Super-pigs and ice. We have enjoyed taking advantage of the cold weather and created different ice experiments daily. Freezing different items in water to see what they would be like the next morning in ice has been thoroughly exciting. We have been inspired by the Super-pigs in our Drawing Club book to create our own jet packs with the junk modelling items. In Maths this week, we have focused on numbers, one more and one less. We have used a variety of equipment to show these. Our favourite word this week has been: ravenous.
Week Ending: 12th January
We have started the Spring Term exploring the story of the three little pigs and the big bad wolf. We have been busy creating homes for the pigs at our making table, learning how to join materials and making junk modelling look like new creations. We have been challenging ourselves with classifying and grouping different materials. Our favourite word this week has been: sturdy.