Week Ending:07.06.24
We have kick started the last half time into outer space. Our focused text this week has been ‘Beegu’. The children have been creating their own planets at the painting easel with a range of different techniques, including with balloons. In the small world, the children have had the spaceship out and have been exploring life on board a rocket. Throughout maths this week, we have been focusing on sharing and grouping in different ways.
Week Ending: 24.05.24
We have five little, hairy new additions to the classroom this week in the form of hungry caterpillars. We have been watching them grow throughout the week. Our focused text this week has been the infamous 'The Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle. We have been creating our very own butterflies, ensuring they are bright, colourful and symmetrical. Which we have then added to our garden display in our classroom. Keeping in with the theme this week, we have learnt the different stages of the caterpillar/butterfly life cycle. The children have used different materials to represent the different stages of the cycle.
Week Ending: 17.05.24
We have moved on from snails to caterpillars and butterflies this week. The Cautious Caterpillar was our Drawing Club focus for the week. The children have been designing different ways in which 'Cody' could play with his new friends. We looked at the different emotions Cody went through and discussed different ways we could help him. During our PE session, we have been looking at the ways animals move. We have been dancing to the music from 'The Lion King'. We have been enjoying thinking of a range of animals and replicating their movements using our bodies.
Week Ending: 10.05.24
Its been all about snails this week. We kick started the week off by focusing on the text "Humphrey the uncommon garden snail" by Holly Lockwood-Waduge. We designed party shells for snails, focusing on our colour mixing techniques and pattern skills. The children have been focusing on their pencil control and handwriting this week. During phonics, the children have been looking at all words containing 'oi'.
Week Ending: 03.05.24
This week the children have been caring and tending their on bean plants. Most of the plants have started to grow and climb to the castles. Throughout the week, we have been focusing on numbers to 20. Counting and representing numbers through a variety of different ways, the children have been challenging themselves with the numbers they pick. This week's drawing club focus has been the book Errol's Garden by Gillian Hibbs. We have been busy designing different types of gardens for different spaces.
Week Ending: 26.04.24
This week we have looked at the story of Jack and the beanstalk from the view of the giant. We have explored the different emotions felt by the giant and how he is misunderstood in the traditional tale. During our PE lesson this week, we also looked at different emotions as we based our dance around the seven dwarfs. The children really enjoyed creating the different emotions using their bodies, movement and facial expressions.
Week Ending: 19.04.24
The children have had a busy first week back from the Easter holidays. We have been looking at 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. The children have explored different versions of the text and compared them. We have been refining our observational drawing skills by drawing some beautiful daffodils. We have also created a class collage of the daffodils to put on display. In Maths the children have been exploring 3D Shapes, creating buildings, painting with them and looking at the 2D shapes within them.