In Maths, the children have focused their learning around shape and time. Year 3 have spent time further developing their understanding of shape. They particularly enjoyed making 3D shapes using spaghetti for the edges and marshmallows for the vertices. While Year 4 have revisited their learning around o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to and then added to their understanding by telling the time to the minute. In English, the children have identified the features of a newspaper report and then wrote their own about our class text ‘Tom’s sausage lion.’ Finally, the children really enjoyed their school trip to Gulliver’s World. We were really impressed with how well behaved they were.
Week ending 5th July 2024
This week has been yet another busy one for everybody at Winhills!
In Maths, we have continued our learning on shape. The children have been able to identify parallel and perpendicular lines, describe the properties of shape and find lines of symmetry. In English, we have spent the week exploring newspapers. The children spent some time finding the features of a newspaper report before having a go at writing their own. On Tuesday, the children really enjoyed their visit to the library. It was lovely to see everyone engaged in choosing and reading a book for pleasure. On Thursday, the children took part in the Winhills election where they voted for an inspirational person for the class names in September. The children were excited to hear the outcomes of the vote in Friday morning assembly.
Week ending 28th June
This week has been a busy week of learning for all of Year 3/4! In English, we have focused our learning on using apostrophes for possession and plurals. In Maths, the children have started their unit of work based on shape. They have enjoyed measuring turns and angles and developing their understanding of acute, obtuse and right angles. The children have spent time in Science exploring the flow of different liquids. They compared the speed of the flow to the viscosity of each liquid. In our Geography lesson, we explored why the rainforest is so important to us and what we can do to protect it.
Week ending 21st June
After a very warm week at school, we have so much to celebrate! After an amazing Ofsted report, we have spent the afternoon outside today enjoying a whole school pi In English, they have been recapping how to start sentences in a variety of ways using adjectives. This week has been assessment week so the children have spent time completing their termly assessments and showing off all of their skills. Around that, the children have spent a lot of their time this week outdoors doing some gardening around the school, which they have thoroughly enjoyed. To add to this, the children found their Art session this week much more challenging than they first expected. They experienced their first use of wire as a medium to create artwork and created some amazing sculptures! In Geography this week, we explored how indigenous people use the Amazon rainforest in their everyday lives. All of the children hugely impressed us with their inference and retrieval skills after watching a video.
We are back on timetable next week so don't forget to bring in all of your alternative clothing for Outdoor Learning and your water bottles and sunhats!
Week ending 7th June
The children have had a great first week back. It has been wonderful to see them get so stuck into their learning straight away. In English, they have been recapping how to start sentences in a variety of ways using adjectives. We have started a new class book 'Tom's Sausage Lion' by Michael Morpurgo. This is a book that we are using in both our writing and reading lessons. In Science, they have begun to plan an investigation about viscosity that they will conduct next week. We started our new geography topic about rainforests and they are excited to learn more about this over the coming week. Just a reminder to ensure that they have outdoor learning clothes and footwear in school every day as we will be taking as many opportunities to get outside as possible!
Week Ending 17th May
All of the children have worked extremely hard, given the changes and nervousness around the school.
In Maths, the children have focussed their learning around money and time. Year 4 have spent time further developing their understanding of money using open ended, real-life experiences. While Year 3 have revisited their learning around o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to and then added to their understanding by telling the time using roman numerals. In English, the children have identified the features of an explanation text and then written an explanation of how to use 'The Snoozatron'. They then went on to edit their writing independently, ensuring they had used a range of fronted adverbials, adverbs and expanded noun phrases. In History, we examined the events that took place to lead to Arthur the Great being made King. This lead to us moving on our learning to think about how people would have felt about King Arthur and whether or not he was Great.
Week Ending 10th May
Although it has been a shorter week at school, we have still kept ourselves extremely busy!
In Maths, the children have focussed their learning around money. Year 4 have used real-life experiences to compare, order and convert money. While Year 3 have added, subtracted and found change from a purchase. It has been lovely to see how the children have used their understanding relating to money to solve problems and reason. In English, the children have refined their skills of grammatical structure when writing. This included them writing sentences with a variety of fronted adverbials, subordinate clauses and adding more detail to their sentences using prepositions. In History, we explored the key missionaries who travelled to England in Anglo-Saxon times to pass on their wisdom . To add to that, we also created and used classification keys for a range of vertebrates and invertebrates.
Week Ending 3rd May
This week has been yet another busy one for everybody at Winhills!
In Maths, Year 4 have been ordering and comparing decimals. Year 3 have used their knowledge of unit and non-unit fractions to find a fraction of an amount. All of the children have thoroughly enjoyed working practically to highlight their understanding. In English, we have spent the weeks planning, writing and editing our King Arthur inspired battle narratives. The gore and detail has impressed all who have read them! In History, we explored some Anglo-Saxon artefacts and used our inference skills to identify who may have used them and why. Also, we continued our learning of living things by identifying flowering and non-flowering plants.
Week Ending 19th April
We have had a really busy first week of the Summer Term. In Maths, Year 4 have continued their learning about decimals including partitioning them into ones, tenths and hundredths. Year 3 have continued their learning about volume and capacity. They have shown a great understanding of this. In English, we have revisited how to punctuate speech in a text correctly and how to start sentences using a verb. The children ended the week by looking at British Legends and writing a character description. In History, we started our learning about the Anglo Saxons including why they settled in Britain. We started our new topic in Science by sorting and categorising vertebrates and invertebrates. The children were really excited about our new DT unit. They began constructing the chassis for their own sling shot cars and can't wait to continue building them over the rest of the Summer Term.
Monday 15th April
Welcome back to the Summer Term! We can't quite believe how quickly this year is flying by. We have lots of exciting things planned for this term both in the classroom and with outdoor learning. There is also the Year 4 trip to Grafham Water next week and a trip for all of the Year 3 and 4 children at the end of the Summer Term. We can't wait to share all that we do with you!