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Summer Term

Information for parents and families

Knowledge Organisers to support with learning at home

Week Ending 12th July

This week, we had our visit to the local library.  We also found out about the summer reading challenge (which we hope many children will participate in).  This week, we also had our sports day - all children who took part showed great sportsmanship.  Some children also performed in our termly Rock Steady concert.

The main teaching for this week was based on 'Growing Up and Moving On', some of this content included SRE content - some of this content had previously been taught in Year 5.  Our Year 6 content included: physical and emotional changes of puberty, conception, pregnancy and birth - all of this content is age appropriate.  All children in Year 6, worked on our final assembly celebrating our journey at Winhills Primary Academy ready for our Leavers' Assembly next week.  Parents and family members of Year 6 children, please come along to this on Tuesday 16th July at 2pm.

Week Ending 5th July
This week, many children completed their transitions days with their secondary schools.  This is an exciting time for them to see their new setting for education as well as immerse themselves in what the future holds for them from September.  In school, we have worked on preparing for our end of year celebrations.

Week Ending 28th June

This week, children continued working on their transition booklets for secondary school.  In English, we started to prep for our leavers' assembly (that will take place during the last week of term).  Children have looked back at their time at Winhills and have begun to share their memories.  In maths, children looked at different games/activities that are pitched for a younger year group - feedback was required for these activities and adaptations were requested to make them more challenging more older or more able learners.

This week, children also visited a local business and saw 'science in action' - the feedback from the visit to the factory was incredibly positive.  The aim of the visit was to answer the question “What do Engineers do?”.

Week Ending 21st June

This week, children made their final contributions to their writing portfolio - where they have written for a number of purposes.  In maths, we continued with maths puzzles and activities.  This week, we have started our transition work for secondary school.  This included work provided from the children's secondary school as well as spending some time looking and discussing how to remain safe online.  The online work took a more grown up insight into the possible dangers of the internet and how we could become quite vulnerable if we are not aware of our own actions and safety precautions.  The children's transition work will continue for the coming weeks - allowing them to self-reflect as well as provide advice for others for possible dilemmas or situations that they might find themselves in.


Week Ending 14th June

This week, children have written a formal letter of complaint as well as retelling part of a Mayan story incorporating speech that leads the narrative.  In maths, we continued with problems and games (thinking logically and tactically).  In science, we completed a practical session where we were monitoring our heart rates based on physical activity that was completed.  Some children helped Mr Franco (on Friday) lead a Y2 DLPT sports tournament - he was very complimentary about their leadership skills and general manners throughout the morning.  To conclude our week, we spent some time outside helping to preserve the upkeep of the school grounds.

Week Ending 7th June

Welcome back to the final half term of this academic year (and the children's final half term in primary school).  We are continuing our writing evidence provision in class - children have focused on writing an information text (about a Tango lizard), writing an instructional text (how to survive forest school) and finally a slightly more informal text where they wrote 'a day in the life of....'.  We are ensuring that children write for a number of different purposes, to ensure that different writing styles are accounted for.  In maths, children continued with mathematical games and activities.  In science, we were very lucky to be able to work with pig hearts (from the local butcher) to have a real hands-on experience of the circulatory system.  Mrs Goodey (a teaching assistant from KS1) who was previously a veterinarian nurse, joined us to help explain our learning for the session.  I'm sure that this science lesson is one that will be remembered for quite some time! 

Week Ending 24th May

This week, we have mainly focused our morning sessions on writing for a range of purposes.  Now that children have sat their SATs papers, our attention now moves to writing.  Each child needs to be able to produce a collection of work that represents their writing ability - showing an understanding of different writing styles.  This week and for the first few weeks of the next half term, children will complete a number of different writing tasks.  Additional to this, we have spent some time looking at maths problems - focusing on challenges and pattern spotting rather than 'new learning'.  During the afternoons, children have completed some foundation subjects and worked as a class to produce a RE themed umbrella project - this is displayed in the St Neots Priory Centre for the next few weeks.

We hope that you all enjoy your half term and look forward to spending the last few weeks in Year 6 at Winhills!


Examples of maths problems / challenges:





Week Ending 17th May

This week was SATs week!  Both Miss Smith and Mr Nelson are incredibly proud with the positive attitude of Quartz class.  We completed our papers during each morning and then spend time preparing for future tests in the afternoon.  On Thursday afternoon and all day Friday, we had a slightly more 'relaxed' time in class covering some foundation subject elements of the curriculum.

Next week is 'walk to school week',  we created some posters for this event that will be shared across the school to promote less transport and more walking.

Week Ending 10th May

This week we spend most of our learning time preparing for SATs (which start on Monday 13th May).  Our children have worked incredibly hard to consolidate their understanding of reading, SPAG and maths and have been able to identify and celebrate personal successes as well as reflect on areas that they find more challenging.

Please ensure that children this coming weekend (11th and 12th May), are fully rested before SATs week.

Week Ending 3rd May

This week, children have continued their revision for SATs - focusing on reading, SPAG and maths content from the Key Stage 2 curriculum.

Additional to this, in English children have continued their work on 'The Wreck of the Zanzibar' and consolidated their understanding of ratio and proportion in maths.  The content for our PSHE lessons included the 'right of education' as well as focusing other rights for people.  In PE, children worked on football skills as well as starting orienteering and team-building sessions.


Week Ending 26th April

Another week with a focus on English and maths skills (in preparation for SATs).  Throughout the week, children have spent time consolidating their skills in these subjects as well as covered some new content.  In English, we have changed our text to 'The Wreck of the Zanzibar' written by Michael Morpurgo.  We have read the first few chapters and completed written tasks based on events, description of settings and letters home to our family.  In maths, children have continued working on their arithmetic skills as well as new learning with ratio and proportion.  In PSHE we have continued our learning on Human Rights and thought about how we should all have the right to be treated equally.

Week Ending 19th April

Welcome back to the summer term!  This week we have definitely hit the ground running, especially with the lead up to SATs (starting 13th May).  Children will have the opportunity to consolidate a number of skills and content of the key stage curriculum before sitting their SATs papers.

This week in English, children looked at the book 'Varmints' by Helen Ward.  We covered various aspects of writing that included: descriptive writing, writing in role, letter writing as well as comparing different ways of sharing the story (book and film).  In maths, we have started the term looking at algebra - we have completed function machines as well as identifying missing number values within number sentences.  In PSHE this week, we consolidated our understanding of consequences for breaking the law as well as covered new content that included human rights as well as the 'right for education'.
