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Autumn 2021


In English we have studied the book 'The last Wolf'. The children have been able to write their own book reviews on the book, expressing their own opinions in great detail. They have had opportunity to act out the well-known story and showcase their talents for performing to others in class. 

Using parts of the story, the children have been able to write as if they were Little Red herself. 



Year 1 children have been completing lots of practical work focusing on their knowledge of place value. We are now starting to add one-digit numbers together.  The children have also been using their skills to work out missing number problems.

The year 2 children have been focusing on their written methods for addition. They have used the dienes equipment to represent their number sentences before working them out. They have also been finding fact families, using bar model and part-whole representations of the facts.



In Science, the children have been learning about the human body and animals. Already this term, they have explored the impact of healthy and unhealthy lifestyle choices, learned about the world of teeth and discovered why its important to have good hygiene routines.


ICE Zone 

Year 1 and 2 are continuously enjoying their topic of ‘The Romans’. The children have been able to explore and name parts of a Roman town and city as well as describing the differences and similarities between Roman times and modern day. Through their outside learning, the children have been bird watching, bug hunting and looking at ways to improve our environment.



