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Summer Term

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Knowledge Organisers to support with learning at home

Week Ending 7th June 2024


Welcome back to the final half term of this academic year (and the children's final half term in primary school). What a busy week we've had! As part of our final assessments in Year 6, the children are continuing to write a variety of different genres to demonstrate the skills they have accquired. This week, the children have been writing non-chronological reports about Leatherback Turtles which was inspired by our text 'The Wreck of the Zanzibar' by Michael Morpurgo. In Science, the children were very lucky to be able to experience a practical lesson on the anatomy of a heart (using pig hearts from the local butcher) to further support their understanding of the circulatory system. Mrs Goodey kindly offered her time to help explain our learning for this session. Having previously worked as a veterinarian nurse before joining our school, she provided a fantastic demonstration enabling the children to dissect their own hearts in their groups. Undoubtedly, this lesson was some of the children's most favourite of their time this year and I'm sure is one that will be remembered for quite some time! 


Week Ending 17th May 2024


This week was SATs week!  Both myself and Mrs Lee are so incredibly proud of the positive attitudes of the children. Well done superstars!  After a very motivating breakfast, the children completed their papers and spent some time preparing for future tests in the afternoon. On Thursday afternoon and all day Friday, the class had a slightly more 'relaxed' time in class covering some foundation subject elements of the curriculum and enjoyed some time outside in the glorious sunshine!


Next week is 'Walk to School Week'. To mark the occassion, the children created some wonderful posters which will be shared across the school.

Week Ending 10th May 2024


This week we spent most of our learning time preparing for SATs (which start on Monday 13th May).  The children have worked incredibly hard to consolidate their understanding of reading, SPAG and maths and have been able to identify and celebrate personal successes as well as reflect on areas that they find more challenging.

Please ensure that children this coming weekend (11th and 12th May), are fully rested before SATs week.


Week Ending 26th April 2024


Another end to a busy week with English and Maths revision skills (in preparation for SATs).  Throughout the week, children have spent time consolidating their skills in these subjects as well as covereing some new content.  In English, we have changed our text to 'The Wreck of the Zanzibar' written by Michael Morpurgo.  We have read the first few chapters and completed written tasks based on events, description of settings and letters home to our family.  In Maths,  the children have continued working on their arithmetic skills as well as new learning skills in association with ratio and proportion.  In Science, we have continued our learning on 'Health and Circulation' and learnt about how the circulation system works. The children created a model of the circulatory system using hoops, chalk and bean bags. Through this, they played the role of 'blood' and were transported around the body through the chambers of the heart. 

Week Ending 19th April 2024


Welcome back to the summer term!  This week we have definitely kicked off to a very busy start of the term, especially with the lead up to SATs (starting 13th May). Over the next few weeks, the children will have the opportunity to consolidate a number of skills and content of the key stage curriculum before sitting their SATs papers.


This week in English, the children looked at the book 'Varmints' by Helen Ward.  Here, they covered various aspects of writing such as: descriptive writing; writing in role; letter writing to an official; as well as comparing different ways of exploring the story (the book and film).  In Maths, we have started the term looking at units of measure, in particular intoducing the term tonnes and exploring how this relates to mass. In Science this week, we started our new topic  'Health and Circulation'. Our first lesson explored the role of a GP and factors that can have a negative and positive effect on health and well-being.  The class created their own surveys about factors that promote a healthy lifestyle such as: showering regulary, eating healthy foods and getting the recommended amount of sleep a night. 
