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Autumn Term

Autumn Term 2023

Information for parents and families

Week Ending 15th December 

In English, we wrote our own kenning poems. We started the week by learning about kennings and their structures, we then wrote a kenning based on the characters and their actions from our book 'mouse, bird, snake, wolf'. We then wrote some amazing Christmas and Winter kennings on snowflakes which the children could take home to hang on their Christmas trees. 

In Maths, we used the bus stop method to divide 3 and 4 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. We started the week by practically moving the numbers under the method and moved onto using the abstract concept of writing the numbers in an exchange. We finished the week by solving problems involving multiplication and division. 

In Science, we finished our topic of Properties and changes of materials by demonstrating an irreversible change (mixing). The children mixed vinegar with bicarbonate of soda to create a gas. This then blew up a balloon which they could measure. Each group had a different amount of vinegar to test whether more vinegar created more gas. 

We finished our Geography topic of 'Alps' by comparing St Neots with Innsbruck. The children created Venn diagrams to compare the two places. They looked at similarities and differences and focused on the human and physical features which had been discussed in previous lessons. 

In RE, the children thought about things they are committed to and how they show they are committed. They completed maps of themselves to visualise how they show commitment. 


For the last 3 days of term next week, the children will be finishing their DT project of making their own waistcoats and evaluating them. They will be making a seasonal calendar and making Christmas cards. The children have Reward Day on Tuesday to celebrate all of their hard work and commitment! Finally, on Wednesday the children will walk to the town church for a carol service. 

Have a wonderful Christmas break! We are looking forward to seeing you in January! 

Week Ending 8th December 

This week in English, the children wrote their argument discussing the questions: 'Are humans responsible for the destruction of the Earth?' We completed a shared write focussing on the techniques that could be used in their writing like rhetorical questions, causal conjunctions and cohesive paragraphing. The children then independently wrote their arguments which were fantastic! We even had a diamond learner! 

In Maths, we started learning how to multiply and divide. This week, the children have multiplied 2 by 2 digit numbers, 3 by 1 digit numbers and 3 by 2 digit numbers using the column method. 

In Science, the children learnt about irreversible changes of materials. Similarly to last lesson, the children chose a range of materials such as crisp packets, paper, cardboard etc. and observed what happened when they were heated. The children had to identify how quick the material burnt and what was left after it was heated. We discussed how burning was an irreversible change as the material does not change back to its original form. 

In Geography, we learnt about our local area (St Neots). We discussed all of the things St Neots has to offer and why it is a lovely place to visit and live. The children then wrote a paragraph about St Neots focussing on its transport links, leisure facilities and location. 

In Music, the children are using what they have learnt about musical theatre to write their own scene. They are using our previous English text 'Arthur and the Golden Rope' as a story line. Their characters will need to go on a journey and they need to include a character or action song in their scene. They will preform their scenes next week. 

Additional to lessons, this week we welcomed Genr8 into school for an assembly, children wore Christmas jumpers for Christmas Jumper Day and many children joined in with our Santa Dash to help raise money.

Only 8 more school days before the holidays!

Week Ending 1st December

This week in English, the children learnt about debates. The children used the text 'bird, mouse, snake, wolf' to debate whether the children in the text had done the right thing or not. This then led onto the children discussing whether humans are responsible for the destruction of the earth. The children thought of reasons such as: pollution, global warming, deforestation and littering. This week, the children have learnt about how to use causal conjunctions to link their arguments and make their paragraphs cohesive. 


In maths, we have finished our fraction unit by learning how to subtract fractions. The children learnt how to subtract fractions with different denominators (finding the common denominator) and how to subtract improper and mixed number fractions. 


In geography, children continued their work on The Alps. The children learnt about a place called Innsbruck. They thought of reasons why people visit the alps and wrote a fantastic paragraph about Innsbruck and what it has to offer in the Alps.  In RE this week, we looked at the commitment of marriage as well as the traditions within a Hindu marriage ceremony. The children presented their findings in groups to the rest of the class. In DT, the children continued to make and sew their waistcoats. 

As part of the DLPT, children were invited to a Christmas lights switch on assembly - all who attended the assembly were covered with glitter as well as wished on the lights and decorated the school tree.  Decorations will be judged next week.


Week Ending 24th November

This week was assessment week, children sat papers on reading, grammar, spellings, arithmetic and reasoning for maths. 

Additional to assessments, children completed geography, PE, music, DT and PSHE lessons. The children also spent some time looking at craft activities that had a festive theme.


In Science, the children investigated reversible changes in materials. We looked at substances like: wax, butter, squash, cheese, sugar and a crayon. We heated the materials above a candle and observed what happened when they were heated. The children had to predict whether they thought the materials would evaporate, melt, freeze or condense and what would happen when they subsequently cooled. The children had to identify if the materials reversed back to its original state or not. 

Week Ending 17th November

This week was Anti-Bullying Week so we started with a whole school assembly based on this theme. On Friday, the children worked in groups and looked at different scenarios. The children had a number of discussions about how kindness could be applied to the scenarios and how these may arise at different stages both in and out of school. We also had Children In Need 2023 this week. With great excitement, the children took part in a Joe Wicks workout in the hall and were also invited to wear odd socks (linking both Anti-Bullying with Children In Need).  Many thanks to the families who sent in a donation over the last few weeks both for our Remembrance Day collections as well as for Children In Need.

In English, the children wrote descriptions of animals. They put themselves in the positions of the characters in our story and had to decide which animal they would choose to add to their world. The children designed their animal in the style of the graphic novel and thought of words and phrases to describe their animal. 


After the children had thought of how their animals looks, moves and behaves, they learnt about the Alan Peat sentence type 'last word, first word'. The children wrote some sentences using this technique to describe their animal. They then finished the week writing a description of their chosen animal. 



In Maths, we have continued our topic of fractions and have learnt how to add fractions. We began the week learning how to add fractions with the same denominator. We then learnt how to add fractions of different denominators by using what we had previously learnt to find the common denominator and add them. Finally, we finished the week by adding mixed number fractions. 


In Science, the children investigated the transparency of materials. We used a light meter app to measure the light intensity (lux) of the light that shone through (or didn't shine through) the materials. We found that lots of materials were translucent! We then discussed the uses of materials based on whether they were opaque, translucent or transparent.  

Week Ending 10th November

This week in Maths, the children have continued with their learning of fractions. They have learnt how to compare and order fractions whilst finding the common denominator. They had to use their knowledge of times tables to find a common denominator or numerator so they could easily compare. They have also continued learning about improper and mixed number fractions. 

In English, the children produced fantastic pieces of writing where they had to discuss the positives and negatives of the characters actions. They wrote brilliant balanced arguments which contained parenthesis, compound and complex sentences. 

The Science topic on properties of materials started by children sorting materials into order of 'hardness'. The children used the scratch test to test their materials. They had to use a nail to scratch each object and used a magnifying glass to see the depth and size of the scratches which determined how hard they were. We also discussed the variables and that the results would not be completely reliable because the pressure of the scratch would be different each time. Also, the object size and shape would mean that some objects were easier to scratch than others. 

A new Geography unit of work called 'What is life like in the Alps?' involved a lot of atlas work locating the mountains on maps of the world and maps of Europe. The children discovered that the Alps extend over eight different countries.

We began our music topic of 'Musical theatre'. The children learnt definitions of the key roles in creating a musical. We went into the hall and completed a race to get a definition and match it to the role (pictures below). We then learnt about the history of musical theatre and watched clips of musicals ranging from opera to modern musicals.


Week Ending 3rd November

We have had a very busy first week back after half term! In English, we have started a new text 'Mouse, Bird, Snake, Wolf' and have read the first part of the story.


The children identified positives and negatives of the characters behaviours to write a balanced argument next week. We learnt about simple, compound and complex sentences and wrote our own to use in our argument. We also learnt about parenthesis and used brackets, dashes and commas to add parenthesis into our sentences. One lesson the children loved was completing team races! The children had to work together to collect a sentence from one end of the hall and run back to their group. They then had to work out whether the sentence was simple, compound or complex and put them in the right group. 


In Maths. we have started our new topic of fractions. The children started the week by creating their own fractions walls and finding equivalent fractions. They leant terminology of unit fractions and non-unit fractions. We finished the week by converting improper fractions to mixed number fractions. 

The children also began the RE topic 'Commitment'. The children made their own goals where they would make a weekly commitment which they will revisit each week. We then looked at how others show commitment within their religion focusing on coming on age rituals. We finished the week by learning about sacrifices and looked at religious and non-religious sacrifices. 

Week Ending 20th October 

This week, the children wrote their non-chronological reports about their Viking God. The children included all of the grammatical features they had learnt in the previous week as well as including all of the features of a report. 

In Maths, the children learnt how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1,000. They used place value grids to move the numbers according to what they had to multiply by. They also had a challenge of finding missing numbers to calculations involving multiplying by 10,100 and 1,000. 

In Science, the children learnt about the process of evaporation. We set up an experiment of salt and water and have left the pots to see what happens to the salt and water over half term. If our predictions are correct, the water should evaporate leaving the salt behind. 

The children finished their art projects by using ink to print their designs. 

The children also finished their computing topic on Bletchley park. They had to research their own computing hero. They had to research, make notes and write their own PowerPoint presentation. You can see videos of the children's presentations on our class dojo page. 

Week Ending 13th October 

This week in English, the children conducted research for their non-chronological reports that they will write next week. They will write their reports on a Viking God. Most of the children chose Thor or Odin to research. Towards the end of the week, we learnt about conjunctive adverbials. We looked at what they did and how to punctuate them correctly in sentences. The children then wrote some sentences using their facts about their God containing conjunctive adverbials which they can use in their reports next week. 

In maths, the children learnt about prime numbers, square number and cube numbers. They used their knowledge of multiples and factors from the previous week to support their learning. Some children made square numbers using cones in the hall to represent them. 



In science, the children conducted another experiment. This week, they had to think of how they were going to make their test fair. They had to work in groups of 3 and assign each person a role to ensure the variables would remain the same during each test. The children were testing which factors affect the time taken to dissolve a substance. To begin the lesson, the children watched as coloured dyes from skittles dissolved into the water on the plate to make a solution. 


The children then used sugar cubes and tested how the change in temperature of water would affect the time it takes the sugar to dissolve. They found that the warmer the temperature of water, the quicker the sugar cube dissolved. 


Week Ending 6th October

This week in English, we used all of the techniques we learnt last week to write our newspaper reports. The children wrote fantastic articles which contained fronted adverbials and subordinate clauses. During the edit lesson, we learnt about how to use relative clauses and embed them into sentences. The children then wrote a sentence containing a relative clause that they could have written in their report. 

In maths, the children have looked at multiplication and division. The looked at mutliples, common multiples and factors. The children really enjoyed drawing factor bugs to find factors of numbers.

In History, the children produced some beautiful storyboards which detailed their understanding of a Viking saga and how these stories evolved and changed over time. Using the main theme of one Viking saga, the children then developed their own endings and were able to use creativity and their own inspiration from the lesson.

In art, the children created their own printing plate using different textured materials such as, pipe cleaners, feathers, paper straws and pom poms to name a few. Next week, the printing plates will be used to create a monoprint background for their final piece of work this term.

As the week came to an end, in Science, the children leant about mixing substances to make solutions. We all went outside and some children became salt particles (joined tightly together to make a solid) and other children became the water particles and had to break the solid apart. The salt particles were then surrounded and spread out by the liquid. This represented the substance (salt) being dissolved. Back in the classroom, the children then added substances (sand, sugar, flour, food colouring) into the water to see if they were soluble (would dissolve) or insoluble. 

Week Ending 30th September 

This week in English, the children have learnt about the features of newspapers. Next week, they will write their own newspaper article reporting on Arthur's quest from our class text 'Arthur and the Golden Rope'. We focused on how to identify and use fronted adverbials and wrote our own sentences we could use. Towards the end of the week, we learnt about how to use subordinate conjunctions effectively by using them in the middle and at the beginning of our sentences. We will use these techniques in our reports next week. 

In maths, we have continued learning about addition and subtraction. We learnt how to subtract with exchange, how to use the inverse to check our answers and we compared calculations by identifying which of them will be greater. 

In science, we have continued on our topic of materials. This week, we recapped when and how we would use sieving to separate materials. This then led us onto this weeks learning: filtering. The children were tasked with making their own water filtration system. They identified that they needed to use materials with large gaps at the top to trap the larger substances and materials with smaller gaps at the end to trap the smaller substances (similar to sieving). The children did amazingly at this! See the pictures and video to see how well it worked! 


In history, we investigated the importance of Viking trading routes. The children learnt more about the Viking longboats and also mapped out a variety of trading routes onto a map using a key to colour code them. They were also able to explain why Viking trading was important and identify some things the Vikings traded. 


In PSHE, the children discussed and learnt about resolving conflict. 

Week Ending 22nd September

In English this week, the children continued looking at the character's feelings and actions. They used what they had inferred from the story to write some fantastic outside, inside sentences. They then learnt how to begin sentences using adjectives and expanded adjective clauses to show character's emotions. In addition, the children innovated the ending of the story to create their own problem in the journey. They finished the week by using all of the things they had learnt to write the story of Arthur's journey in first person. In maths, we learnt how to use number lines to order and compare numbers up to 1 million. The children also learnt how to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000. The children absolutely loved this lesson as they had to complete an orienteering task where they had to find and answer the questions in partners that were scattered around the hall (photos below). Towards the end of the week, we started our topic of addition and subtraction. The children used mental strategies to add and subtract and finished the week by adding with exchange using the column method. 



In science, the children learnt about the process of sieving. The children were tasked with becoming gold prospectors. They had to collect the golden nuggets and flakes from the sand. The children used a colander and a sieve to separate the mixtures. We also discussed the process of separating solids of similar size using a magnet. 

In history, the children looked at different sources from the Viking period and had to make inferences based on what they saw. The children worked hard playing in the role of a detective and discovered that the Vikings had a range of skills to offer as both engineers and traders. 

Week Ending 15th September

This week in English, we started out work on Arthur and the Golden Rope (by Joe Todd Stanton). The children used a range of figurative language to describe the setting of Iceland. They had to work together to identify: nouns, adjectives and verbs and then use these in their expanded noun phrases. The children then wrote their own paragraphs including prepositions, similes and prepositional phrases to give extra detail. To finish the week, the children started inferring about how Arthur feels and acts in the story. They thought really hard about the adjectives to describe his feelings and identify the actions that would go with it. In maths, we have begun our unit of Place Value. The children explored and partitioned numbers up to one million, explored the power of 10 and found numbers 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000 and 100,000 more or less than given numbers. In History, we looked at timelines to introduce our topic of Vikings. In science, we started our topic of materials and their properties. This week, the children looked at mixtures. They had to identify examples of mixtures, created their own and researched a specific mixture to find out what substances it was made from. 

