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At Winhills we believe that it is essential for everybody to create a caring, supportive and positive ethos and environment for all. Children and adults thrive in a calm and purposeful learning community that respects and values every individual. We believe strongly that an emotionally literate school, with a clear ethos and policy of positive behaviour management, helps support the social and emotional aspects of learning and behaviour patterns of our children and staff.



• To create an enriched emotionally literate environment that is safe and secure.

• To create calm and purposeful learning environments where children can learn with confidence.

• To foster and maintain respect for ourselves and others, our cultures and backgrounds, well-being and property.

• To encourage all children to take responsibility for their own choices, and develop self-discipline, self-control and independence.

• To celebrate diversity, promote inclusion and enhance positive relationships in school.

• To enhance the quality of the learning and teaching through positive behaviour management and equality of access.

• To encourage children to reach their full potential by recognising their achievements and scaffolding their learning.

• To work in partnership with parents through effective communication to establish high expectations of behaviour and celebrate achievements.

• To support children with their behaviour using the resources within the school


Suspensions and Exclusions
