The children had a fantastic day on their trip to Paxton Pits. They pond dipped, bug hunted and bird watched across the lake. Throughout the day they acted as detectives to find out information about the creatures that live in the Ouse Valley and have already brought their new knowledge to their learning back at school.
This month started with two books as a focus across EYFS. Nursery enjoyed their learning based around 'Class Two at the Zoo' by Julia Jarman, whilst Reception and Year 1 focused on 'Oi! Get off our Train!' by John Burningham. The Nursery children learnt the story and explored the zoo animals, they role played bus trips to a variety of destinations and investigated snakes! The Reception and Year 1 children learnt about endangered animals and what causes this to happen. They created their own part of the story with endangered bees getting on the train, acting it out with great drama skills before writing it too.
We have spent the first part of this term enjoying our learning based around the traditional story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. The Reception and Year 1 children knew the story brilliantly and were excited to create their own versions with Jack getting up to all sorts of mischief! The Nursery children learnt the story and enjoyed actin git out. They all agreed that Jack really did not make good choices and was not kind to the Giant at all. The children planted their own broad beans as well as a variety of other seeds and have taken great care of them all. Lots of the seedlings are now growing brilliantly in our outside planters and the children are tending to them on a daily basis, observing the changes, discussing them and ensuring they have the tings they need to grow well.
Welcome back for our summer term of 2022!
This term our main topic will be ‘Journeys’. We will learn about lots of different transport types and where these may take us in the world. Some of our books we will share will be ‘The Great Balloon Hullabaloo’ by Peter Bently, ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury and ‘Oi! Get off Our Train!’ by John Burningham.
We will also learn about different journeys of life, focusing on growth and life cycles. We will learn about the life cycles of frogs and butterflies, spending time in the spinney and the pond area, as well as planting seeds and observing their growth.