We welcome children from two years old.
At Winhills Primary Academy we encourage the enthusiasm; capture the curiosity and develop the determination of the early learner.
Our environment provides a safe, stimulating space with endless opportunities for children to play, explore and discover their potential. A place to develop their sense of self, a sense of belonging and of community.
Through consistent, creative and comprehensive teaching we ensure every child builds secure foundations for success.
Welcome to Early Years at Winhills Primary Academy. We welcome children aged from two years.
At Winhills Primary Academy we encourage the enthusiasm; capture the curiosity and develop the determination of the early learner.
Our environment provides a safe, stimulating space with endless opportunities for children to play, explore and discover their potential. A place to develop their sense of self, a sense of belonging and of community.
Through consistent, creative and comprehensive teaching we ensure every child builds secure foundations for success.
We are continuing to use Tapestry to share the children's learning with you so please do login and share some of the amazing things you do at home too.
This term our main theme will be 'Castles'. We will enjoy learning lots of castle related songs and stories. Some of the songs the children will learn will be 'The Grand Old Duke of York', 'Old King Cole' and 'Humpty Dumpty'. The children will use these songs as a basis for their learning, beginning to recognise rhyme and patterns, using the songs to perform and create art, as well as a starting point for discussion around emotions and feelings. Some of the stories the children will share will be 'The Knight and the Dragon', 'George and the Dragon' and 'There is NO Dragon in this Story'. These will also create a starting point for children's learning where the children will story map the stories, act them out and reinvent them. They will also begin to write simple words and captions, focusing on initial sounds. As the term progresses the children will learn about different castles and who lived in them using non-fiction texts appropriately.
As always the children will have access to inside and outside provision where their continuous provision will always be available, including water play, painting, role play, small and large construction and small world. We will also continue to provide many opportunities for children to talk and share on a daily basis, as well as maths, phonics and mark making.
As the seasons change the children will also look for signs of Autumn, spending time outside to explore the differences they observe using their senses. They will also learn about the Christian Harvest festival celebration and the Hindi Diwali celebration.
We are very excited to welcome all our new parents and children for September 2019. We are beginning the year with an 'Ourselves' topic. We are going to celebrate what we are good at, learn all about how our bodies work, the different senses and celebrations. We are still using Tapestry so please log on to your child's journal and share their successes with them.