Mrs Worth
Welcome back to school!
We are looking forward to a busy and exciting year with plenty of wonderful learning.
This page will give you an overview of our learning from term to term. Remember to logon to your child's Class Dojo page for daily updates, photos, notices and information.
Please note that PE is on a Wednesday. As the weather is turning colder please ensure your child has tracksuit bottoms and a jumper in their PE kit, as well as shorts for indoor PE. Please ensure that your child has either trainers or plimsols in their PE kit.
Please make sure that the children are completing their homework every week, as well as reading with your child every day so they receive their ‘5 reads and a book talk’ award. To gain the book talk award, please write in their reading records that you have discussed the book and what happened in the story. Year 2 will have 30 minutes of numbots to complete each week. Year 3 will have 30 minutes of Maths whizz and 15 minutes of TTRockStars.
Please also ensure that your child has a named coat, wellies and water bottle in school every day. Thank you for your continued support.