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Autumn 2022

November 2022



In English, our work has been focused around the text ‘The Princess and the White Bear King’. We have explored the story and created story maps. In our grammar lessons, the children have extended their knowledge of using adjectives to describe nouns by writing sentences where they describe three things in a list. They then used this when writing character and setting descriptions. We finished our grammar lessons by looking at how to punctuate speech between two characters.

Our Guided Reading lesson focus on VIPERS which stands for vocabulary, infer, predict, explain, retrieve and sequence. The children listen to part of a story and each day focus on a different strand of VIPERS.




In Maths, the children have been exploring addition and subtraction. They have been using their knowledge of place value to support their understanding of calculations. Their understanding of how to use different methods to calculate different questions has improved a lot and they have then used this knowledge when presented with reasoning problems.



On Tuesday 8th November, we had our school Science Day. The children in Years 2 and 3 completed three investigations. They used balloons and cups to make air canons, they explored magnets and drew mazes to guide paperclips through and used newspapers and tape to make bridges to hold heavy objects.



This half term we have focused on computing and design and technology in the classroom. In computing, the children have been learning about how the Internet works and how online messages are sent around the world. In design and technology, we are learning about seasonal foods for the children to make their own tarts. They have also been designing and making their own Tudor houses using nets of 3D shapes.

October 2022



In English, our work has been focused around the text ‘Vlad and the Great Fire of London’. We have been learning about a variety of different areas of grammar, including varying the length of sentences in our writing and making sure we write in a consistent tense. They then used these when writing predictions, character descriptions, setting descriptions and recounts. We have been really impressed with how the children have been applying the grammar that they have been learning in their writing. Our Guided Reading lesson focus on VIPERS which stands for vocabulary, infer, predict, explain, retrieve and sequence. The children listen to part of a story and each day focus on a different strand of VIPERS.



In Maths, the children have continued their learning about place value. They have been ordering numbers and using <, > and = symbols to compare the size of numbers. We have now moved on to addition and subtraction. The children are using a variety of equipment to calculate answers as well as learning how to draw a number line and more formal methods of addition and subtraction.



Our topic is ‘Rocks’. The children have continued to learn about what the different types of rocks look like and categorising them. They then moved on to look at fossils and how they are formed. We have finished the topic by looking at soil and what it is made up of. They labelled a soil profile and learnt the different processes for how soil is formed.



This half term we have focused on computing, music and art in the classroom. In computing, the children have been writing algorithms for Scratch to make a character move. In art, the children have been learning about prehistoric art. They have created cave drawings and loved painting their hands to create a ‘hands on the wall’ painting. In music, the children learnt ‘Space Oddity’ by David Bowie and wrote their own lyrics for an animation.

September 2022


The children will begin their English learning through the story of 'Toby and The Great Fire of London' by Margaret Nash and Jane Cope. They will explore the use of adjectives, prepositions and conjunctions to make their writing exciting to read. Once they have learnt the book well they will pretend to be Toby to write a diary entry of what it would have been like during the fire.  



In Maths, the children will begin the term focussing on place value. They will consolidate their counting to 100 and beyond as well as learning about thousands, hundreds, tens and ones. Through the use of resources they will explore the position of number and their importance in the counting system. 



Our topic this term in Science is rocks. The children will learn to identify if a rock is natural or human made and the type of rock it is. They will learn how the rocks are made and try to make their own. 


ICE Zone 

Year 2 and 3 are learning about The Great Fire of London as their topic in the ICE Zone. They will learn how the fire started, what happened during the fire and the long term impact it had on London. Through their outside learning, the children will be bird watching, bug hunting and looking at ways to improve our environment.
