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Home learning / Remote Learning

At Winhills, we work with families to ensure that learning happens in both the classroom and at home to ensure that all children have the best opportunity to thrive in their academic achievements.



Across the school, homework is set on a Wednesday afternoon and collected in on a Monday morning.


Foundation Stage:

  • Reading: children will bring home books to share with you; look through pictures, talk about what you see, like, dislike. Make predictions about the story. Record your efforts in the yellow reading diary. 
  • Key Words: these are phonics sounds and words your child has learnt a t school. Please practice these with them. 


Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and Year 2):

  • Reading: children are expected to read at home 5 times per week and complete a book talk. A book talk is where you discuss with your child what has happened in the text and ask them questions about what they have read. Please record that they have completed a book talk in their reading records. Across the school, reading records are checked daily so we ask that they are written in every night and signed by an adult at home
  • Weekly Spellings: there will be set linked to children's learning. They should be learnt at home and the children will be quizzed on them in school.
  • Maths: children should complete 30 minutes of Numbots per week.


Key Stage 2 (Year 3 to Year 6):

  • Reading: children are expected to read at home for at least 20 minutes 4 times per week, or every evening for at least 10 minutes. Please record that your child has completed reading in their reading diaries. 
  • Weekly Spellings: there will be set linked to children's learning. They should be learnt at home and the children will be quizzed on them in school. In Key Stage 2, the expectation is that the children will also use these words in sentences in their homework book using their best presentation skills.
  • Maths Whizz: Maths Whizz ( is an online maths education website that is tailored to each individual child. The Maths Whizz week will start each Monday and it is the expectation that children should complete 45 minutes of lessons and tests on here by Sunday evening.
  • Times Tables Rock Stars: TTR ( is an online game for learning and reciting times tables. This is available to use on a laptop or an app which can be downloaded onto a tablet or smartphone. Children are expected to complete at least 15 minutes of games on here from Monday to Sunday.


If your child does not have access to the internet, there will be clubs after school where they can complete their Maths Whizz and TT Rock Stars homework.





Remote Learning Information for Parents
