Week ending 17th November
This week was all about the Wild things by Maurice Sendak. We had great fun exploring the pictures with magnifying glasses and talking about why Max felt cross and sad and then happy again. We looked at the features of different animals noticing that some have beaks or fur or feathers to help them do different jobs. We used junk modelling materials to make our own wild things and practised lots of cutting and sticking skills to make crowns.
Week ending 10th November
This week has been all about the colour monsters! We have thought about things that make us happy or sad and then thought about other feelings like cross and excited. We made our own jars with all of our ideas in. We have explored colour mixing and made some firework pictures when we talked about bonfire night and Diwali. We had celebrations in the role play kitchen with party hats and cake and music. We learnt that it made our friends happy when we invited them to play or asked them to choose some music.
Week ending 3rd November
We have continued to share skeleton stories and have very much enjoyed the funny bones series. We have painted skeletons thinking about all the parts of the body. We have carved and painted pumpkins to exercise those fine motor skills. We used strong hands to carve the flesh and tweezers to help us get the seeds then we turned it all into a delicious soup that we were brave enough to try. It’s been a wet week so we have had plenty of fun pushing those puddles away with our sweeping brushes.
Week ending 20th October
We have shared skeleton’s hiccups this week. We have enjoyed singing head, shoulders, knees and toes and ‘dem bones’. Our role play kitchen has been taken over by a witch so we have helped her make potions with bats and frogs and cockroaches. We have been practising counting to three and finding different ways to make up three; a bat and two frogs or one cockroach and one bat and one frog. We found a very small hedgehog in the spinney so we made a bed in a box and have got help for it so it will be happy in the spring.
Week ending 13th October
We have continued to enjoy the story of ‘Peace at Last’ and loved acting it out using the playhouse outside. We can practically tell the whole story just from our memories! We have made bear masks and painted teddy bears. We even had a teddy bears tea party where we made sandwiches; our spreading skills are getting really good now.
Week Ending 6th October
This week we have shared the story of Peace at Last by Jill Murphey. We have been on sound walks to think about the noises that could wake us up. We have talked about our bedtime routines and how important it is to go to sleep. We learnt that some animals like the hedgehog sleep in the day so we worked together to build cosy hedgehog houses. During our season spotting we have observed the leaves changing colour and falling from the tree, the grass being wetter and noticed that we have needed our jackets.
Week Ending 29th September
This week the children have had fun helping to bake some bread just like The Little Red hen. They have made patterns in the flour and used handprints to make their own red hen. The children made up stories on the farm using the small world and played animal sound bingo. They thought about what it means to be helpful to one another and about the special people in their lives that help them.
Week ending 22nd September 2023
The children have continued on a mission to defeat the evil pea! He has been very mischievous and the children have had to talk to him about his choices. They have been exploring different vegetables, describing their colours, textures and tastes whilst looking closely and then chopping, peeling and eating. The children have enjoyed becoming more independent at the snack table by pouring their own drinks and spreading their own crackers.
Week Ending 15th September
This week in nursery the children have been sharing stories about Supertato, singing songs about our fingers and toes and learning new routines. They have been making marks in flour, shaving foam and salt. The children have been searching the spinney for the evil peas; they have looked high and low and had to remember to capture the peas not the veggies. They have been making vegetable soup in the role play kitchen as a healthy meal for their babies and thinking about people who are special to them and help them.