In Year 1, we have read both The Lonely Beast and The Brave Beast. The children have been able to compare the two books and find the differences and similarities between them. After being inspired by the books, the children have been able to create their own beast character and written their own adventure journeys for their new character. The children have been focusing on their use of adjectives to describe both the setting and characters in their story.
We have moved on to embedding our addition and subtracting skills within our maths work. We have used part-whole models and number lines to find the missing numbers in number sentences where the children had to use a range of equipment to show their addition and subtraction knowledge. During our quick maths afternoon sessions, we have been focusing on knowing our doubles and halves to 10 quickly.
This term, the children’s Science topic is plants which will also be revisited in the summer term. They have looked what plants need to grow, labelled the parts of a plant and have identified evergreen and deciduous trees. The children have also made their own cress heads which they have looked after in class and ensured they have given the plants everything they need to grow.
Welcome back and Happy New Year.
In year 1, we have been reading The Lonely Beast. The story is about a beastly creature, who feels lonely and decides to go in search for some friends. The children have been retelling, acting out and retelling the story in their own words. They have been able to create their own beast character and describe them. The children have been working really hard to improve their use of adjectives, noun phrases and verbs within their writing.
We started the year of by recapping our place value knowledge to 10 and 20. The children challenged themselves with a range of activities to show their understanding and knowledge of numbers. They have also been focusing on using a number line for both addition and subtraction. We have been working really hard to improve our number sense and quick recall of number bonds to help us with our learning. We have started to look at word problems and identifying the key information within.
This term the children’s main topic is ‘Explorers’. Every few weeks they will discover and learn about a new explorer. This term the children have been learning all about the explorer Christopher Columbus. The children have been able to plot his route, label his ship and discover what Christopher found at the end of her journey.