At Winhills Primary Academy, the pupils are provided with a variety of opportunities to develop and extend their mathematical skills in and across each phase of education.
The teaching of mathematics at provides opportunities for:
• work at their own ability level;
• work in pairs and in small and large groups
• work in the areas of number, measures, shape, space and data handling;
• use calculators and computers;
• use a wide range of mathematical tools/instruments;
• rehearse mental strategies and skills.
Pupils engage in:
• the development of mental strategies;
• written methods;
• practical work ;
• investigational work;
• problem solving;
• mathematical discussion;
• consolidation of basic skills and number facts;
At Winhills Primary Academy, we recognise the importance of establishing a secure foundation in mental calculation and recall of number facts before standard written methods are introduced.
Mathematics contributes to many subjects and it is important the children are given opportunities to apply and use Mathematics in real contexts. Mathematics is used in other curriculum areas wherever possible or appropriate. This helps to expand and consolidate mathematical concepts, using maths in a purposeful way in everyday contexts helps the children to realise that mathematics is important in the real world.
We endeavour at all times to set work that is challenging, motivating and encourages the pupils to talk about what they have been doing.