We believe it is important for children to develop a positive attitude to writing from an early age. They are given a wealth of opportunities to write for a variety of contexts and audiences in order to given purpose to their writing.
Our writing curriculum centres around the teaching of discrete grammar lessons whilst using high quality texts as inspiration for writing in both fiction and non-fiction. Across the school, the children are taught to write in a variety of genres by understanding the features of each text type, how specific grammar is used within that genre and producing a extended piece of writing for each unit of work. Genres for writing are mapped out across the school to ensure children have had the opportunity to write for many different purposes by the time the leave Year 6.
At all stages of the school, teachers model, demonstrate and share the writing process before asking children to either produce a piece of writing with support in a guided group with an adult or to write independently using the skills previously learnt.
Children are taught to spell correctly using FFT Success For All phonics programme in the EYFS and KS1 until they are ready to move to the Read, Write, Inc Spelling programme from Year 2 until Year 6. Both of these programmes follow the progressions of the Spelling appendices in the National Curriculum.
Children are taught to write legibly, fluently and at a reasonable speed with the aim of an independent cursive style by the time they leave Year 6.
As a school, we encourage cross-curricular writing opportunities where possible, using our rich and varied curriculum as an engaging stimulus for the children.