Welcome to our Autumn Learning
In year 1, we are starting to look at our non-fiction writing for this term. The children have been introduced to instructional writing and how to spot the key features of instructions. The aim is that the children will go on to write their own set of instructions. As a class we have also begun to look at word classes and have been able to identify which words are nouns, adjectives and verbs.
The children have been learning and refining subtraction skills. We have looked in to new methods such as using tens frames and number lines. The children have been able to explain and record their subtraction number sentences to each other as well as using a range of resources to show their answers.
The children are applying these skills to solve a range of number and word problems.
Our topic this half term is ‘Animals Including Humans’. We have started off by looking at humans. The children have been learning the different parts of the human body, all about the senses, keeping healthy, hygiene and what a balance diet it. The children will be learning about the different food groups and what the body needs to keep healthy.
Already this half term the children have been learning to use laptops more efficiently. The children have been persevering with turning the laptops on, logging in to them and shutting them correctly all by themselves. They have then go on to improve their computer mouse and keyboard knowledge and skills. During R.E, the children have learnt why the ‘Shabbat’ is important to Jewish people.
This term in Music we are looking at traditional tales. The children have been able to choose different instruments to represent different characters, settings and phrases throughout the story. We then looked at key words such as tempo, rhythm and pitch.
We have been busy representing numbers in different ways during in our Maths lessons.
We kicked off our topic of 'The Great Fire of London' by making bread in class. The children were able to mix the ingredients and knead their own bread roll. After the bread was cooked, the class made real butter by shaking double cream a lot.