In English we have been looking at a book called ‘The Orchard Book of Greek Myths’. This text aligns with our topic Ancient Greece and the children have really enjoyed learning about the different myths, for example, the Minotaur, Odysseus, and Perseus and Medusa. The children have enjoyed taking part in some role playing, where they took on the character Perseus and summoned the storm. More recently, the children have been reporters and have written some fantastic newspaper articles about Odysseus and his fight against the suitors.
In Maths, the children have been using their knowledge of place value to demonstrate rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. The children have also been working on Roman Numerals, as well as looking at the column method to add and subtract up to three and four digit numbers.
During science this term the children have been learning about materials and have carried out different experiments predicting the change to materials, in particular what happens when they dissolve and evaporate. We have recently been looking at forces and have designed and made our own parachutes. We tested their effectiveness outside on the playground and discovered the effect that air resistance has on differently shaped parachutes.
The children have really been enjoying our topic of Ancient Greece. They began the term creating their own Olympic medals and as the weeks have continued the children have looked at the history of the ancient Greeks and studied their democratic system. The children have drawn some fantastic pictures of rich and wealthy Greeks and then used these to compare to poor Greek slaves.