Winhills Primary Academy is extremely proud of its PE philosophy and its desire to build a lasting legacy for the lives of children attending the school. We believe that Physical Education, taught in an enjoyable, secure and expressive environment, is essential in ensuring that children aspire to maximise their learning, develop their range of skills and maintain good physical and mental wellbeing. Our aim is to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities as part of a broad and balanced curriculum that allows children to experience, develop and connect their learning to other sporting activities as well as across the school’s curriculum. Children will learn through experiencing core fundamental skills topics in KS1 and by participating in challenging units in an array of sports in KS2. The purpose of our specifically designed curriculum is to not only improve the wellbeing and fitness of our children, which is considered a priority, but to nurture and empower them through the sporting skills taught and to promote the values and disciplines that sport creates. We intend to inspire all children to succeed in physical education by providing them with a progressive, sequenced and inclusive curriculum that will develop life skills and will allow them to be respectful, resilient and collaborative healthy adults.
Our long-term plan ensures coverage of challenging and enjoyable learning through a range of objectives in various sporting activities. PE is taught in two-hour blocks by either a class teacher or sports specialist teachers or coaches. Each half term progresses on a particular unit with the aim of developing key skills or tactics by revisiting and building on prior lessons and learning. Swimming is delivered by trained swimming instructors at the local community leisure centre with the expectation that all children will be able to competently and independently swim over a set distance by the end of Year 6. Lessons are planned to allow all children access to the PE Curriculum. In lessons, a selection of resources and equipment are used to maintain engagement and develop fluency of skills and the use of sport specialist teachers and coaches ensures the delivery of lessons is expertly executed with high-quality planning and teaching. For class teachers without prior subject knowledge, support is provided by external specialist teachers, the Trust’s sports coach and by continued professional development in the subject.
Throughout the year, our children will be able to access a selection of sporting experiences such as after school clubs, lunchtime clubs and Play Leader led activities. As well as this, inter-school festivals and competitions inspire our children to be competitive, focused and collaborative while ensuring that fair play and sportsmanship values are not neglected. Being part of an Academy Trust allows the children of Winhills to participate in intra-school trust events, where classes from local hub schools compete against other classes from their age group in a selection of sporting events. We strongly encourage our children to participate in sporting activities outside of school and promote links to respected local community youth sports organisations.